Leaning on Resilience
Hello Loves!
If you happen to be following me on Instagram @teachermommylife, you know I’ve been talking all about leaning into taking the risks we’ve been contemplating and believing in our resilience especially when we stumble hard. So, I have a question for you.
What if falling wasn’t a bad thing?
When we fall, it’s an opportunity to RISE. And when we have fallen, it’s because we took the risk. Taking risks isn’t always easy. But two things are guaranteed when you take them. 1) You’ll learn from it 2) Your resilience will always make taking the chance, worth it.
Achieving greatly only ever comes from daring greatly.
When you dare greatly you run the risk of falling, failing and feeling. Yes, taking risks are scary, but when you have risks to take, that means you have dreams, desires and goals you want to accomplish. Let your inner voice guide you because it also means that you are striving to live your most vibrant and fulfilled life, your BEST life.
So friends, here is my tip, TAKE the risk, jump in with both feet, eyes wide open and take a chance on yourself.
Because here is what will happen. You will rise, you will learn, and you will accomplish what you set out to do. You will face your fears because your resilience is your truth.
This is what I know about myself. My inner voice always tells me to say yes…..to the dreams and game-changing ideas (aka risks). My outer voice always says no. Clearly it’s because my outer voice is just trying to protect me from judgement, humiliation, emotional pain, fear, worry and doubt. In the end, all of this may or may not happen, but if it does, I get to decide if I want to hold onto those negative feelings that just don’t serve me. But my inner voice has not steered me wrong. Again, choosing not to hold onto feelings that don’t serve me is part of my resilience. I will always bounce back in the name of all my dreams and game-changing ideas.
Had I not listened to my to my gut, intuition, internal GPS (however you want to reference that voice) I would not have said yes to all the people, jobs, opportunities and dreamy ideas that have gotten me here today.
Living out my most vibrant, joyful, fulfilled life will require me to continue pushing myself out of my comfort zone, which is fine by me. After all, living out my best life is worth the risk!
If you’re still unsure about taking the risk on your dreams, desires and wishes, it may be that you have to let up the vice grip on trying to control every outcome. It’s out of your hands.
What you can control for is deciding to go all in on living out your dreams, wishes and life changing desires. Believe in you and know whatever the outcome, you will be better for it.
Take that risk on your dreams, wishes and life changing desires no matter how big or small.
Put on, no, slather on the BELIEVE oil, do your thing and waiting on the other side is greatness, strength, knowledge, and resilience.
As you diffuse your BELIEVE and maybe some LEMON for good measure, here are some questions to have you journal on today:
Are you willing to step outside your comfort zone, aka take the risk, in the name of living your BEST life?
What dream or desire are you going to live out next?
What are you holding yourself back from doing?
What steps are you taking to get you closer to amazing achievements?
What part of this blog post hit home for you today? Share with us below so we can learn from you! If you’d like more support in making your dreams a reality, shoot me an email at karenkiess1@gmail.com and we’ll set up a time to chat!
XO Karen