So let me introduce myself.
For a large part of my life, I have struggled. It felt like I was always in survival mode. For as long as I can remember, I felt like I could never catch up or I was always falling behind. It was so easy to get caught up in all the busy of everyday living, trying to stay ahead of the next thing, that it started to get overwhelming, confusing, and complicated. I was left feeling stressed, run down, and emotionally drained. That was compounded with worrying what others thought, if I fit in, and my lack in believing in myself.
Even until recently, life still felt like a struggle, like there was no way off the hamster wheel. Things were different though. I had achieved and built a wonderful life with the love of my life, raising two amazing kiddos, living in our beautiful home we were able to rebuild, working at a great job, traveling, and summers off. I was seriously living out my dream. Who was I to complain? How could I not be grateful? Why wasn’t this enough? I was at a loss.
I finally reached a point that I had to do something. That’s when I decided I had to make some major adjustments. I knew that fine tuning needed to start with me. Once I started looking internally and doing the work within instead of looking externally for solutions, I felt the layers of false truths and limiting beliefs fall off of me. My confidence came back, the stress and burnout went away, and I started to feel such amazing joy all the time. Things felt calm and easy. Time no longer felt like the enemy and I also started experiencing things like - patience, peace, compassion, creativity, and a desire to pursue dreams, goals, and to serve others. I didn’t think I ever would get to a place like this because I already thought I had it made. I was wrong.
My Turning Point
My journey has been a wild and amazing roller coaster ride. When I began on the path to growth, I decided I needed support and guidance and that I couldn’t do this alone. I was embarking in unchartered territory, so it would make sense to hire a coach to walk alongside this journey with me.
That decision has truly been game changing for me. That journey has deeply transformed me and shown me how strong and capable I am. It has shown me how important my voice is and how important it is to share my light and energy to the world.
If you are ready to let go of the parts of your life that aren’t serving you or are holding you back and are ready to start your journey to living your BEST life, then it’s time to take action.