Mindset Management or Holding Space for Your Energy
Hello Loves,
So how much does your thinking impact YOU from living your BEST life?
Let’s be real. Are your thoughts non-stop and going a mile a minute? Fleeting from one thing to the next and even mentally preparing for all the possible things that could go wrong? Are your thoughts keeping you from shutting down for the night? You lie awake thinking about what you have to do the next day? Then the thoughts shift to your what you can’t even get to and then the guilt, fear and doubt set in.
So, this becomes your daily (and nightly) routine, and out of habit, it starts to feel like normal.
Any Sisters out there relate?
Ok, reality check. How long do you think you can keep up with this type of thinking?
I honestly believe that for some of you, this could be your way of living for years. But guess what friends? You will hit a wall eventually and that wall will fall on you like a ton of bricks!
No need to worry, and add that to your list of thoughts. Today, I am sharing with you how your thoughts impact your health and teach you ways to ditch your non-stop, always on-the-go thinking patterns for ways of thinking that will up level your health.
Your thoughts will either give you energy or drain you physically, mentally and emotionally. Your thoughts feed your energy and energy is EVERYTHING! The way you manage your thoughts, is the way you will manage your energy. If you are multi-tasking, thinking ahead, running thoughts non-stop (thinking of all the things to do and how to do them), you are going to exhaust yourself mentally. This will then show up as physical and emotional exhaustion. And when that happens, you are zapped. Irritation, anger, frustration, doubt and judgement start to creep in and suddenly the choices you make are not as solid as they once were, self care habits such as healthy eating and working out becomes effortful and habits start to go by the wayside.
This does not have to be reality because the best part about your thoughts is that you get to decide what path your thinking will take. You can observe your own thinking and course correct if needed.
So here is your first course correcting action to take:
STOP trying to do all the things. If you are trying to do it all, you will be sacrificing more than what you will get out of it. Do one thing at a time and release multi-tasking. Research has stated that when you multi-task it is more draining on the brain having to switch that back and forth thinking and may even take more time overall. This goes for activities that both require thinking. Folding clothes and watching tv are fine, but trying to fill out a loan application while helping your child with their math homework is not a good idea.
TRUST yourself. If you are thinking non-stop of all the things you have to do and how to do them, you are bringing in fear and doubt into the things you are thinking about. If you know you are well equipped for your task but worry about the outcome, know that the outcome would have likely happened whether or not you ran down the list 1,000 times.
Bring in all the POSITIVE ENERGY into your space. You get to decide what energy you want to attract through your thoughts and actions. Look for the positive and feel the gratitude. Look to see if those thoughts you are holding on to is serving you or the people you are serving. If you’re holding onto negative thoughts, release them. Not only will you make space for positive, high vibrational thoughts you will feel better emotionally and physically. Holding onto negative energy causes a release of stress chemicals into the body that leads to weight gain and carb cravings.
Changing your thoughts can literally change your life.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of our daily lives. In the middle of all that’s happening, we have so many decisions we have to make. But are we making conscious decisions that we FEEL GOOD about and being present and mindful in the process?
Did this resonate with you today? Do you feel like your thoughts are keeping you from living your BEST life? If so, what are some of those thoughts that are getting in your way of up leveling your life?If you released some of those thoughts or thinking patterns, how would that change your current thoughts?
What part of this blog post hit home for you today? Share with us below so we can learn from you! If you’d like more support in making your dreams a reality, shoot me an email at karenkiess1@gmail.com and we’ll set up a time to chat!
With Gratitude,